A system that builds high performing companies


     to run by themselves, with or without their Owners





Ok, so in lieu of our standard $250 a month for a Kanketa Site membership you elected to join the NBEC Research panel. We will be looking to you here and there for your opinions, and ideas about the changes in your industry that constantly challenge you: Social change, technological change, economic. environmental, political, legal, ethical and demographic changes of age, education and income. We will consider everything you have to share as we test solutions that help others in your industry move forward. Now, that your investment in this site has been dramatically reduced for your services, the only question that remains is...  


"Just what does $100 a month buy you these days?"



Here's a few idea starters.


17 Starbucks medium drinks

  2  tanks of unleaded

  2  movie tickets with large popcorn and a drink

  1 night out with a friend

  1 concert ticket

  1 medium size Kroger bag of groceries 

  1 Salon visit 

  Your own private, confidential Small Business Vending Machine

   A complete Back Office business management system that perfecly

   manages every aspect of your business at the touch of a button


Need we go further?  Or should we simply say...





You are now in command of your private KANKETA.com site, one of the

most powerful small business online work environments on the planet.

In this site you will find solutions to any business problem that might

challenge your company.



"Who says?" 


72  top executives and CEOs from over 300 of the world's Fortune

1000 companies say so. And why wouldn't they? After all, they have 

unselfishly invested their valuable time and years of experience to

contribute to this site    







Kanketa.com is a unique online worksite environment

designed to completely transform a small business with 1 to 30

employees in any Industry into a hands off successful, high-performing

small business that runs by itself, with or without its owners. 



Kanketa.com is a computer-driven business management system

that manages those often overlooked details that suck up your time,

energy and effort. Kanketa guarantees to help you make more profit

for your firm and for your clients by putting your small business

on Autopilot.


With Kanketa.com, you can   


1.   Create an ideal monthly budget that will protect you in any



2.    Manage and accurately forecast your revenues and profit


3.    Manage your vendor costs and avoid overruns 


4.    Manage your overhead expenses with alerts when you exceed



5.    Pay the lowest possible tax allowed by law. Much lower than 

       you are paying now or have ever paid.


6.    Reduce your bookeeping time and involvement by over 50%


7.    Access Subject Matter Experts on demand in every aspect

      of your business when help is needed


8.    Know what your business can be sold for in real time. 


9.    Exit your business without broker feees, capital gains tax,

       attorney and accountant costs. You keep all the money.


10.  Safey manage your business remotely.


       Any business type with 1 to 30 employees. 



This just the beginning.




"How on earth is this possible?

There's something wrong. What are you hiding?"


We hear this all the time. Nothing more than $400 to set up everything

we need to put you in the driver's seat. 

$100 a month thereafter.

Cancel anytime.

That's it.


And yes... IF and WHEN you request expert support help,

certainly there could be small charges here and there necessary to be

able assist you. This is dependent upon your need for added support.

But the big site development costs are built into the monthly fee.  


Here's the real good news:

We guarantee that you will fully pay for the entire year in the first 30 days.






83.4% of all US. small businesses fail in the first 5 years.

(Published SBA statistics).


One or more of these factors is present in all of them:



They are doing something they shouldn't do.

They are not doing something they should do.

There is something they don't know.




"Ok... tell me more. How does it work?"


There are 4 fundamental Kanketa.com servicfamilies. 

Each family has many tools and systems to ensure your

progress and profitability.






Kanketa.com Site Overview


The ONLY reason that you are in business is to achieve personal

financial benefits by solving problems for other people. 


The ONLY purpose for your company is do this in the best, quickest

and most efficient way possible and, in the process benefit financially.  


Kanketa.com is a unique website - worksite environment designed

to create and manage a successful high-performing small business

with 1 to 30 employees that runs by itself, with or without its owners


The Kanketa.com online business management system tackles those

often overlooked details that suck up your time, energy and effort.

Kanketa guarantees to make more profit for your business

by putting it on Autopilot.  




As you can see, we haven't missed a beat!







Solve the your toughest

business problems in


4 Easy-to-Follow Steps.



Step #1


Identify the biggest and most immediate unforeseen

issues and changes that are challenging your business

and interrupting your profitability and progress right now.


S  ocial change

T  echnological change

E  conomic change

E  nvironmental change

P  olitical change

L  egal change

E  thical change

D  emographic change (age, education, income)



Step #2


Prioritze the issues by importance  


Critical - Must receive attention this week

The company will experience significant loss

(time loss, team loss, money loss or lost opportunity)

by Friday of the current week, if the issue is not managed.


Urgent -  Must receive attention by next week:

The company will experience significant loss

(time loss, team loss, money loss, or lost opportunity)

by Friday of next week, if the issue is not managed.  


Necessary - 30 days:  The company will experience

significant loss

(time loss, team loss, money loss, or lost opportunity)

in 30 days if the issue is not managed.


4 Helpful  – as you can after the other priorities are





Step #3


Review the Kanketa Solution


In each main category there are sub-categories of tools and instructions

that will help you to quickly get to the heart of the matter. 



Step #4 


Get Expert Guidance - only if you need it.

There are trained experts available to help for every aspect of your business




Step #5


Stay Current

As the unpredictable world changes, you must change with it. 


Click here:




3 PILLARS of Business Improvement

Primary objectives of every small business






Business Safety                         

A business is financially safe when the owner can take the most cash

possible out of the business without damaging it.


Business Health                      

A business is financially healthy when it has the strength to withstand

the unforeseen changes mentioned above that show up unannounced


Business Speed and Agility

A business is moving forward at the highest rate of speed and agility

that it can afford to grow when it has sufficient working capital, and it

is not obstructed or detoured by the IRS, or any other factors that

stand in its way. 


A resilient intentional business that has endurance remains constantly

and consistently on track, heading toward the finish line

(the Owner's“Endgame”). 



The business has clearly defined, written objectives.

The company continues to grow in value. 

The employees and systems move together harmoniously.


The sustainable, repeatable outcome that you may expect

for your business using this system:





Kanketa.com is designed to help you achieve Financial Freedom


owning your own business


Go on a cruise for a year or two. Go golfing. Visit the mountains.


or work when you want to ... by choice, but not from need.








All Kanketa System materials are registered and protected in the US. Library of Congress under international law class 35. The Kanketa system is designed to create specific outcomes. Individual results will vary with the priorities and resources of the users and their commitment to observe the recommended instructions as they are provided.







M. WOLF - Founder
